TMJ Treatment

Many people with jaw pain come to TMJ Niagara as a last ditch effort to find relief. So far, everything they've tried has been unsuccessful and they fear that this pain is going to be their new normal. They are desperate to get their life back and get back to "normal".

Sound familiar? I'm here to tell you that you don't have to think of this pain as your new normal or something you have to put up with forever.

Jeannine Weddell explaining jaw pain Niagara

TMJ Massage has helped those who:

  • have dealt with their jaw locking open/closed

  • have itchy / full ears and deal with tinnitus

  • clench/grind their teeth (bruxism)

  • deal with neck and shoulder pain

  • have unexplained toothaches

  • wake up with headaches

Still not sure if this is right for you? Check out my blog post about jaw pain.

How do I know if TMJ Massage is right for me?

What to Expect from a TMJ Treatment

  • Assessing jaw pain Niagara


    Before treatment, I will :

    listen for jaw sounds

    review health history forms

    talk about symptoms past and present

    conduct a physical exam of posture and jaw movement

    address breathing habits, tongue position, medications, and any other health concerns

    palpate surrounding muscles for tenderness and soreness

  • intraoral massage for tmj pain niagara


    During treatment :

    Your main focus is to relax!

    I'll check in throughout with regards to pressure. Your comfort is important to me!

    Treatment also addresses your upper back, neck, and shoulders

    Concerned about whether the intraoral treatment might hurt?

    Let's have a chat about it.

  • TMJ Pain Homecare plan explanation


    After treatment, I will :

    re-assess your pain levels and jaw movement

    explain your personalized homecare program, including emailed instructions and video links for assigned exercises

    follow-up with you weekly to monitor progress and make adjustments if needed

    be available if you have questions or concerns


New Patient TMJ Initial Assessment & Treatment

Health History & Assessment


Homecare programming & follow-up

$215 / 90 mins

Can’t find the availability you are looking for? Feel free to call so that we can identify a mutually acceptable time!

The following treatment options are available to current TMJ Niagara patients only :

Ongoing TMJ Treatment

Re-assess symptoms / concerns


Review and adjust homecare plan

$185 / 60 mins

TMJ Touch-up Treatment

Re-assess symptoms / concerns

Treatment (fully clothed, on top of the sheets)

Review and adjust homecare plan

$130 / 45 mins

TMJ Touch-up Treatment

Re-assess symptoms / concerns

Intraoral Treatment only

$115 / 30 mins

Frequently Asked Questions

  • No you do not need a referral to book an appointment with me.

    However, I will gladly prepare a treatment summary for the referring professional so that we may coordinate services.

  • No. There may be times throughout the treatment where you experience discomfort, however, you are always in control!

    I will review a set of hand signals prior to treatment so that we can communicate effectively throughout and you are welcome to pause or stop the treatment as many times as needed.

  • No. Intra-oral massage is only a small portion of the treatment and only requires you to open your mouth so that I may access the muscles requiring treatment.

    Once my hand is in position, you can close your mouth to a comfortable a relaxed position.

  • It's hard to say since many factors come into play. It depends on how the tissue responds to treatment, and how well you implement the homecare plan.

    Once the assessment is done, I'll have a better idea of the number of sessions needed.

  • Try to avoid chewing gum or eating overly chewy foods, forward head posture, resting your jaw on your hand, sleeping on your stomach, and breathing through your mouth.

    Try massaging your jaw and temples with your fingertips in small circular motions.

    Take small bites, chewing with both sides of your mouth.

    Practice relaxing your jaw, ensuring that you rest your tongue flat on the roof of your mouth, with a small space between your teeth and keeping your lips closed.

    For acute jaw pain, apply a cold compress to your jaw 4-5 times a day for approximately 10 minutes.

  • When you book an appointment, that time is reserved specifically for you. A late cancellation or missed appointment leaves a hole in my day that could have been filled by another patient.

    As such, I require 24 hours notice to cancel your appointment without penalty. Patients who cancel their appointment with less than 24 hours notice or miss their appointment entirely, will be charged the full treatment amount.

    Missed appointment fees are not billable through your extended health benefits.

  • I understand that life happens. If you are running late for your appointment, please text or call me. Your treatment will start when you arrive and end at the normally scheduled time. It will be up to my discretion whether or not I am able to accommodate the missed time to provide the full treatment length.

    Regardless, you will be charged the full treatment amount as booked. Please note that if you are more than 15 minutes late without notice your appointment will be cancelled the above cancellation policy will apply.

  • It is my pleasure to offer direct billing for my patients for most major health insurance carriers.

    I also accept VISA, Debit, Mastercard, and Cash.